Engaging the Digital Age: Days of Theological Reflection, 2015

2015 Days of Theological ReflectionOn May 5-6, 2015, participants in this year’s Days of Theological Reflection explored preaching and the Bible in light of the changing culture of the digital age.

May 5 featured Thomas Boomershine, who spoke about Hermeneutics and Interpretation in a Digital Age. Boomershine is professor emeritus of New Testament and Christianity and Communications at United Theological Seminary. He also is an author and the founder of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International, and has been a primary source for the development of performance criticism as a new paradigm for the study and interpretation of the Bible.

May 6 featured Matt Peeples, lead and founding pastor of The Point in Knoxville, Tennessee. The title of his presentation was Engage the Digital Age: Communicating the Unchanging Gospel in an Ever-Changing Culture. Peeples received his Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in 2009, and is the first graduate of the church plant training program of the Mid-South District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). He is passionate about connecting the disconnected, training the next generation of church planters, and preaching the Gospel.

You can view their keynotes below. All the videos from their presentations are available to view/download at iTunes U: Boomershine (Exegetical Reflection) and Peeples (Homiletical Reflection).


Biblical Megatrends:
A History of the Biblical Interpretation and Communication Cultures of Western Civilization
Thomas Boomershine


Engage the Digital Age:
Communicating the Unchanging Gospel in an Ever-Changing Culture

Matt Peeples


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