Luther Scholar Oswald Bayer Lecture, March 21

Luther Scholar Oswald Bayer Lecture, March 21

Luther Scholar Oswald Bayer Lecture, March 21

Oswald Bayer, world-renowned scholar of Luther and his theology, will deliver a lecture at Concordia Seminary on March 21. Many of you will be familiar with Bayer through his writings Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification (2003), Theology the Lutheran Way (2007), and Martin Luther’s Theology: A Contemporary Interpretation (2008). The theme of his lecture, “A Public ..

Extinction within Creation

Extinction within Creation

Extinction within Creation

Great Auk—Wikipedia Commons The year 2011 saw a number of species go into extinction. These include among others, the western black rhinoceros . Others are in danger as well. On  Friday, Oct 28, 2011  USA Today ran and article entitled, “Extinct in 20 Years?” “Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs, extinct in 20 years?

New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

Dr. Reed Lessing, Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, is the author of a new Bible study: “Jeremiah: A Book on Surviving Disasters.” According to the publisher, Author Reed Lessing uses the Book of Jeremiah as the source material for helping us as God’s people to survive disasters through such means as honesty, refusing ..