volume 40
Advent 3 • 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 • December 14, 2014
Paul’s exhortations naturally flow as part of the ending of his letter; they express the ordinary manifestations of the extraordinary Christian life of faith and…
Baptism of Our Lord • Romans 6:1–11 • January 11, 2015
The whole world finds itself in need of even more serious considering, evaluating, and repenting in light of the epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Proper 28 • Zephaniah 1:7–16 • November 16, 2014
In sum, this is the basic biblical narrative in a nutshell, with the new creation brought about in the presence of King Yahweh incarnate in…
Encomium for Dr. Robert Weise
Encomium for Rev. Dr. Robert Weise
Epiphany 3 • 1 Corinthians 7:29–31 (32–35) • January 25, 2015
Instead, what Paul wants to foster among us today is a conversation about life in Christ and how our joys and our sorrows, our buying…
Proper 20 • Ezekiel 34:11–16; 20–24 • November 23, 2014
God Protects and Heals His Flock When faced with the fall of Jerusalem, Ezekiel describes the judgment on those shepherds responsible and the reasons for…
Epiphany 2 • 1 Corinthians 6:12–20 • January 18, 2015
Paul argues against the idea that our physical bodies are of little value and so the way Christians use their bodies is “morally irrelevant.”
Epiphany • Ephesians 3:1–12 • January 4, 2015
Now, instead of the law separating Jews and Gentiles, God offered salvation apart from works of the law to both Jews and Gentiles.
BEFORE NATURE: A Christian Spiritual Paul Santmire
Throughout the book Santmire ties his and the reader’s spiritual journey together with what he calls the “the Trinity Prayer.”