Be sure to arrive early and have the environment set up. You want to be ready to greet people at least five minutes before class begins.
Ask a student ahead of time to open in prayer and another one to close.
Officially begin class by asking them to join in prayer. Once they have opened in prayer move directly into:
Briefly review Dr. Arand’s explanation for why there is not a specific answer to the question of what we should be doing as an individual. as Also review the distinct opportunities that the Lutheran understanding of freedom in Christ offers as we live out our vocations.
Refer to Dr. Arand’s discussion on the circles or spheres of life and working one’s way outward from the individual to the world around him. Divide your chalkboard or white board into four columns:
Spend ten minutes brainstorming ways in which we can care for creation in each of these areas.
Pass out the Self Inventory and briefly walk through it. Be sure to emphasize that this is not a test. It is a way of helping students think through opportunities that exist in their everyday lives, as well as about areas that interest them and that might lead to further exploration.
Have the students meet in their small groups and share their findings from the Self Inventory.
Do not collect these. Encourage students to take their inventories home for further reflection and prayer. Challenge students to set at least one goal for themselves and/or their family by next week. This goal should reflect a way in which they can begin or improve caring for some element of creation.
Take a moment to do a brief overview of today’s class.
Have a student close in prayer, ending with the entire class praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Stay around to answer any questions.