
ConcordiaTheology.org delivers resources for the vigorous life of the mind in service to the Gospel of Christ. The Department of Theological Research and Publication of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis presents the insights of the seminary faculty for the benefit of pastors, teachers, lay-theologians, and congregations – anyone and everyone who would love the Lord with all their mind.


  • Lectionary Kickstart – We’re sparking your thoughts for Sunday. Jessica Bordeleau hosts weekly conversations with Dr. David Schmitt and Dr. Peter Nafzger, professors of homiletics at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. Their discussions on the lectionary texts give your sermon and lesson plan a fresh start.
  • Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived  – We’re exploring the ways in which theology permeates all aspects of life. Through conversation with a variety of professors on a variety of topics we’ll challenge you to deepen your theology and live out your faith in Christ.

The Pulpit

  • Homiletical Helps – Concordia Journal articles that support and guide sermon crafting
  • Lectionary Kickstart – weekly podcast conversations between homiletic professors that spark thoughts for preaching and teaching the lectionary text
  • Lectionary@Lunch+ – collected insights grouped by lectionary texts from exegetical and homiletic professors
  • Preacher’s Studio –video interviews with seminary faculty describing the sermon writing process.
  • Sermon Series Advent and Lent sermon resources
  • Sermon Structuresarticles that share insights for sermon formats and effective delivery

Continuing Education Events

Experiences for the theological education and leadership of professional church workers and laypeople.

  • Faith and Writing Workshop – explores various forms of creative writing: blogs, sermons, devotions, story, drama, poetry and more
  • Theological Symposium – 3-day event incorporating plenary speakers, workshops, fellowship and more.
  • Multiethnic Symposium – mission leaders of various ethnicities from across the country gather for workshops, discussions and worship.
  • Lay Bible Institutetri-annual study of the Bible and how it relates to today’s life and events.
  • Prof. Insights Workshop SeriesHosted by congregations across the country May through August, and led by Seminary faculty, these workshops offer an opportunity to delve deeply into theological topics.


Blog articles that engage timely topics with the theological expertise of Concordia Seminary faculty. All articles present the thoughts of individual faculty members, they do not present the official position or doctrine of either the seminary or The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. The faculty engage topics within the boundaries of confessional Lutheranism, inviting written dialogue.

Concordia Journal

Quarterly printed publication issued by the faculty of Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. Theologically rich articles, book reviews, and more. In addition to the journal, Concordia Seminary Press publishes monographs that serve the Church through the various disciplines of theology.

Other resources

  • CSLscholar – A digital library of electronic resources from faculty past and present.
  • Book Blurbs present recent publications by faculty members through a short interview.
  • Centers are specific realms of theological research over which specific faculty provide direction.
  • Meet the Professor video interviews introduce new members of the faculty.  
  • Faculty Directory – A listing of all CSL faculty.

Contact us:

Podcasts & digital publications – [email protected]
Concordia Journal & Seminary Press – [email protected]
Continuing Education – [email protected]