Continuing Education and Ministry 411

At the 2013 Theological Symposium, Professor Tony Cook unveiled Ministry 411, new opportunities for continuing education, including the new Concordia Seminary Book Club, which will begin with the Winter quarter (the week after Thanksgiving). Here’s the video of Prof. Cook’s presentation:

Randy Alcorn's Heaven, one of the four choices for the Book Club

Randy Alcorn’s Heaven, one of the four choices for the Book Club

And here’s more detailed information:

Concordia Seminary continues its 175 year tradition of preparing men for faithful service in the pastoral office. We recognize that once church workers receives their first call that their education has just begun. Graduating from seminary provides men with a solid foundation for entry into the pastoral ministry, but there is much more to learn. With this in mind, Concordia Seminary has developed a comprehensive approach to continuing education that offers a variety of timely topics designed to provide our seminary graduates with a seamless transition from seminary education to just-in-time continuing education while in the parish. Concordia is dedicated to assisting its graduates throughout their ministry with biblically and confessionally sound education experiences and resources.

To further our existing continuing education opportunities, symposia, and post-MDiv degree programs, we are pleased to announce the launch of our newest form of online continuing education offerings: ­ The Concordia Seminary Book Club.

Each year, Concordia Seminary will offer four book clubs. Each book club will be comprised of four books to be covered over the course of a year. One book from each of the four tracks will be offered each quarter. The book clubs will explore topics covered in our on-campus symposia, issues of pastoral practice and leadership, hermeneutics and homiletics, and classic Christian readings.

Tim Keller's Center Church, one of the four choices in the Book Club

Tim Keller’s Center Church, one of the four choices in the Book Club

During each ten-week quarter, participants will engage seminary faculty and fellow pastors in four live online sessions. In the first online session, an overview of the book will be given as well as insights from seminary faculty. During the second and third live online sessions, the participants will share their reflections on the book’s strengths, weaknesses, and personal take-ways. In the fourth and final online session, participants will be given the opportunity to share how the book has impacted their faith followed by closing words from seminary faculty.

Participation in the book club costs $125.00 per quarter, which includes a copy of the book sent directly to your home, access to the live online discussions, a certificate of completion to acknowledge your participation in the program, and 1 CEU. By arrangement, and with an appropriate upgrade, the work of a continuing education course, or of a year-long continuing education track, may be used for three credits toward Concordia’s Doctor of Ministry degree. If interested, please contact DMin Director, Dr. Wally Becker, at [email protected].

To explore the books the Club is studying and register, visit Concordia’s online store. For more information you can contact Tony Cook, the director of continuing education, or email the continuing education office at [email protected].

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  1. Ben Haupt on Facebook October 11, 2013

    Looking forward to reading great books together! Thanks Anthony Cook, Travis Scholl, and others for getting this going!

  2. Trackback: Concordia Theology » Introducing the Concordia Seminary Book Club |

  3. Chris Browne October 25, 2013

    I plan to present this to our Circuit pastors, deaconess and DCE as a possible group study project. For now, I have three questions to be prepared to do so:

    1) Is there a group rate for the course if CPUs are/aren’t needed?

    2) Are laity invited to participate in/audit these courses? If so, is there a different rate for them?

    3) If you choose atrack for the Winter term (e.g. Christian Classics), are you then committed to the same atrack for the next 3 terms?

    • Chris Browne October 25, 2013

      oops! somehow a track in q#3 became atrack and was copied later in the same question!

    • Tony Cook October 28, 2013


      Below are the answers to your above questions:

      1)We are open to experimenting with a group rate. In order to address your specific situation, please drop my a line at 314-505-7774.

      2) Laity are invited to participate, but the discussions will be aimed at pastors since it is primarily a form of continuing education for clergy. We will be launching the Lay Bible Institute Online for laity beginning in 2014.

      3) You are not required to stay in a particular track.

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