The Great American Eclipse – Bible Study

As we anticipate the Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017, Professor Charles Arand has prepared a free Bible study to mark the event. Click on the image below to view or download the study. It is suitable for congregations or small groups as either a one-time study or to cover 2-3 sessions. Here is an excerpt:

Today, events like total eclipses continue to have the ability to re-awaken a childlike sense of wonder. Think back for a moment and identify a couple moments from childhood (or adulthood) when you were filled with wonder.

What is wonder? How would you define it? Some have suggested that it is one of our most basic human emotions. Martha Nussbaum, an ethicist at the University of Chicago, has suggested that there are several components to our experience of wonder….click here to view or download the full study.

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  1. Travis Scholl August 8, 2017

    Here are quick links to the solar eclipse resources mentioned in the Bible study: (from which Prof. Arand draws the title)

  2. Rev. Thomas Soltis August 10, 2017

    Theologically, philosophically and scientifically terrific!!!

  3. Michael Hanel August 18, 2017

    It’s probably too late to fix this, but on page 4 there is a problem with the “Genesis 1:11:13” reference. I assume this should be taken to be Genesis 1:16-18?? In any event, it’s not Genesis 1:11 nor is it Genesis 1:11:13.

  4. Rev. Jeffrey Gross August 19, 2017

    Very nice, thank you. But please remember in future not to have an end cover that’s 100% black. If someone neglects to omit that page from printing, the cost of the toner (or ink!!) used would be rather extravagant.

    • Travis Scholl August 21, 2017

      Excellent point. Duly noted. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Edgar Trinklein September 4, 2017

    This is a great description of the reason God’s wonders of creation and his prreservation of it lead us to a firm faith and trust in God as our God of love and grace.

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