The American Mind: About the Cover

Concordia Seminary Press is incredibly grateful to the artist He Qi for his permission to use his work, “Freedom and Peace,” on the cover of The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ. It gives profound expression to the thesis and content of the book.

The artwork is significant because, although it is deeply religious, it is the only non-biblical piece of art in He Qi’s professional oeuvre. When we had the opportunity to interview He Qi (pronounced huh chee) prior to his exhibition at the Seminary last fall, he explained its inspiration and its moving connection to the events of 9/11. See for yourself in the clip below.

You can purchase the book by contacting Concordia Seminary Press at [email protected] or 314-505-7117, in St. Louis at the Concordia Seminary bookstore, or at The cost is $14.99. Ordering two or more copies directly from the Sem Press includes free shipping.





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