Bible On Trial

A quick note that “The Bible On Trial” will air tonight (July 18) at 9:00 p.m. ET, 8:00 Central, etc. on various cable channels. The program was produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries and challenges viewers to consider for themselves the evidence for the authority and accuracy of the Scriptures. In a day and age where most TV and cable shows on the Bible question and even reject the Scriptural accounts of Israel, Jesus, and the early Church, this program presents a side not often viewed on-air. Featured presenters are Dr. Randall Price, Dr. Paul Maier, Craig Price, Craig Parton, Dr. Jeff Kloha, and Joel Lampe. I hear that the show is pretty decent, it even won a couple local “Telly Awards.”

Further information, broadcast times, and online viewing available here from Lutheran Hour Ministries.








2 responses to “Bible On Trial”

  1. Jeff Kloha Avatar
    Jeff Kloha

    You can watch this from the website I linked above, too, just through your web browser. I think you can also download it.

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