What makes a ministry beautiful? A river runs through it.

Our second child was born on Monday. So, this week has been that surreal mixture of sublime exhiliration, tag-team parenting, and sleep deprivation. But the family leave has provided some quieter mome

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What makes a ministry beautiful? A river runs through it.





One response to “What makes a ministry beautiful? A river runs through it.”

  1. Rev. Scott Schaller Avatar
    Rev. Scott Schaller

    I want to thank you for your post. I like reading about stories of ministry like Robinson’s Gilead, or Lischer’s Open Secrets or even Karon’s At home in Mitford. but I find myself caught between the lovely world of Gilead or Mitford’s fictional ministry and the reality of they smell like sheep ministry. I find ministry can be off putting or hurtful. So I always find that ministry needs to be seen from the view of God called me to be pastor. On some days that’s all you got. I will take your view and look at the “beautiful” in ministry. Thanks for your thoughts

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