Concordia Seminary celebrates faculty authors

Concordia Seminary honored faculty members who have recently written or contributed to published books at its annual booksigning reception on Tuesday, May 15. The following faculty have had books published in 2011-2012 academic year:

Perspectives on the Sabbath (B&H Academic) by Dr. Charles Arand

Testing the Boundaries 2nd Edition (Concordia Publishing House) by Dr. Charles Arand

The Lutheran Confessions: History and Theology of the Book of Concord (Fortress Press) by Drs. Charles Arand and Robert Kolb, with James Nestingen

Courageous Fathers of the Bible (Concordia Publishing House) by Dr. Joel Biermann

Holding Up the Prophet’s Hands (Concordia Publishing House) by Dr. Bruce Hartung

Luther and the Stories of God (Baker Academic) by Dr. Robert Kolb

T & T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology (T & T Clark/Continuum), essay by Dr. Robert Kolb (David Whitford, ed.)

Concordia Commentary Isaiah 40-55 (Concordia Publishing House) by Dr. Reed Lessing

Preaching is Worship (Concordia Publishing House), new essay by Dr. David Peter in the 2nd edition of Liturgical Preaching (Paul Grime, Dean Nadasdy, eds.)

Critical Issues in Ecclesiology: Essays in Honor of Carl E. Braaten (Eerdmans), essay by Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez (Alberto Garcia, Susan Wood, eds.)

C.F.W. Walther: Churchman and Theologian (Concordia Publishing House), contributions by Dr. Thomas Egger

“We are very pleased that members of our faculty continue to produce resources for scholarly, professional, and lay audiences,” commented William Schumacher, dean of theological research and publication. “The range of our faculty publications this year illustrates well how a vigorous life of the mind—theological scholarship—is put to work in service to the Gospel.”

All books will be available for purchase at Concordia Seminary’s bookstore.

For more information, contact Theological Research and Publications at 314-505-7117.





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