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Lutheran Theology: Kill Your Passions

Lutheran Theology: Kill Your Passions

Lutheran Theology: Kill Your Passions

This is part four in a series of posts by Dr. David Maxwell. The first was "What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?" The second was "Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions." The third was "Cyril of Alexandria: Lull Your Passions to Sleep." My sense is that Lutheran spirituality leans more in...

Cyril of Alexandria: Lull Your Passions to Sleep

Cyril of Alexandria: Lull Your Passions to Sleep

Cyril of Alexandria: Lull Your Passions to Sleep

This is part three in a series of posts by Dr. David Maxwell. The first was "What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?"The second was "Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions." Cyril of Alexandria is a good example of a Christian appropriation of the Stoic view of the passions. The goal is not...

Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions

Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions

Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions

This is part two of a series of posts from Dr. David Maxwell. The first post was "What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?"  Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Soul and the Resurrection is a treatise that demonstrates what a Platonic spirituality of the passions looks like when Christians adopt it...


  1. Patrick Rooney on Facebook June 7, 2012

    “Wuthnow’s basic contention is that the major sociological reasons why people get involved in religion (marriage, children, higher levels of education, etc.) have not changed. It’s only that they have been delayed or diminished. Significantly.”

    On the one hand, there is no denying these sociological reasons, and they can be a blessing for people to reconnect with the church. The question is, are we (the Church and its paid professionals) going to let sociological reasons be the only ones to cause people to “join”? I’m thinking Christ and Him crucified is the only reason we need.

    The problem with folks my age (and younger) disconnecting from “organized religious participation” is that the Church hasn’t given them any substantial reason or meaning for participating. It is well-known this generation (and the next) will not adhere to an institution just for the sake of adhering to an institution, but they will participate in an institution, even feel an important part of it, if they have personally found meaning and purpose for doing so – sociological, or, hopefully, christological.

    You Lost Me by David Kinnaman is an excellent read into this as well, from a more church view of things than a sociological one.

  2. Matt Priem June 8, 2012

    From a church growth perspective this is a frustrating and frightening time to be a pastor. How can we possibly make the church grow in this context? This movement has been so pervasive in American Christianity that many of us are often touched with some of that frustration and fear.
    It is truly wonderful to be called back to a more cruciform perspective as we find peace and joy in striving to be a church with nothing but Jesus.

  3. Travis Scholl on Facebook June 10, 2012

    Patrick: I wholeheartedly agree. I think the changing demographics of the church is also a call to change the “sociology” of the church, to make church more than just where you go when you’re married and having children.

  4. Sean Green June 13, 2012

    I just finished reading the article and I found it did have some realistic points. Is our culture changing and will it continue to change? Yes. Has the generation between 18-35 (I’m 30 so I must be a part of this too)developed an ”anti-organziation” minset that pits them against the Church. Perhaps for many. But speaking for myself, being 30, I have never wanted to separate myself from the church and have retained a strong desire for confessional, liturgical worship. I also understand that the American mindset is heavily pragmatic, do what we think works to get results-which has flooded many churches.Sound doctrine, faithful preaching/teaching, these are the things that drew me to the LCMS some years ago and I believe this too will draw the younger ones in too because they are looking for something more than skin deep theology in the churches that are ablazed with felt needs, empty hymns that convey little to no doctrine, and CEO-like pastors that wish to run the church rather than shepherd it.

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