Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today

In the Word from Concordia Seminary is a unique, complete electronic Bible study-in-a-box. All the materials you need to facilitate the Bible study topic are downloadable – the Student study sheets, the Leader Guides, and the video presentations.

This series, “Isaiah’s Ancient Song for Today: The Servant Suffers for Straying Sheep,” is presented by Dr. Jeff Gibbs and Dr. Reed Lessing in a casual, fun setting. This five-part study considers the fourth Servant Song’s context within Isaiah 40–55 and how it impacted New Testament authors like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. The discussion also takes up how the Suffering Servant gives his gifts of peace and righteousness, as well as what all of this means for Christians today. The Leader Guides and Student Handouts were developed by Rev. Gary Ellul.

To view or download the free videos and handouts, please visit Concordia Seminary’s Scholar archive:

Other In the Word Bible studies are available here:





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