Reading Luther in China

Chinese Luther's Works-coverOn Reformation Sunday, this verse from the Apostle John’s Revelation is often read, “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people” (Rev. 14:6, ESV). We in the English-speaking world have long enjoyed in our own tongue not only the Scriptures but also the writings of Martin Luther. We dare not take for granted the theological, cultural, political, and financial efforts that went into producing these resources by which the Lord Himself has brought His eternal Gospel to us. But what about all the other nations and tribes, languages and people groups across the world? What about the approximately 1.2 billion Chinese speakers—how much Luther do they have in their language?

Prior to 2003, the answer would have been “not much.” Since then, a team of scholars, churchmen, and publishers have been working on “letting Luther speak Chinese,” as Dr. Henry Rowold, an emeritus member of our faculty, says. Dr. Rowold has invested most of his career in proclaiming and teaching the Gospel to Chinese-speakers. Guided by the initial vision of Dr. Won Yong Ji, an emeritus professor of Concordia Seminary now among the church triumphant, a whole team has been working on producing a set of Luther’s Works for those who can read Chinese. Earlier this fall, volume four was released.

Chinese Luther's Works

The latest addition to the series has been entitled “Faith and Society II” and contains much of Luther’s thought on the reformation of society, including “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate” and other writings on marriage, state craft, and education. How is this Chinese Luther being received? Not only are Chinese Lutherans overjoyed to read Luther in their own language, but non-Lutheran Chinese Christians are increasingly coming to appreciate the clarity of the Gospel that they read in Luther.

The interest in these new publications extends even beyond the church. The volumes are making their way into the hands of Chinese academics. When asked the reason for this, a Luther scholar from China points out that, “Luther allows the Chinese to put ‘reform’ on the table.” In a society marked by high change in the last decade, the Chinese are finding Luther an interesting conversation partner. There also seems to be a historical fascination with the Luther who bucked the hierarchy and championed popular language and national character. Nearly 500 years after that young German monk tacked a few thoughts on a church door to point people to Christ and to challenge them to radically love their neighbor, he’s still doing it today. Yes, it’s pretty fitting that we read Revelation 14:6 on Reformation Sunday.





10 responses to “Reading Luther in China”

  1. Douglas Rutt Avatar

    Thanks for this great news! Are these materials in traditional or simplified Chinese? Just curious. Also, Lutheran Hour has published several works of Lutheran theology since the early 1990s, such as The Book of Concord, works of Martin Chemnitz, Roland Bainton’s biography of Luther, Paul Althaus, hynmals, etc. These materials have been published in the PRC and distributed to thousands upon thousands. We are currently preparing to publish several thousands of copies of Robert Kolb’s The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition, in simplified Chinese to be accessible to as many people as possible. Again, thanks for the update on the project!

    1. Gary Liu Avatar
      Gary Liu

      Great!Where can I get these resources? None of these is accessible in mainland of China currently.Thanks.

    2. Ben Haupt Avatar
      Ben Haupt

      Thanks Dr. Rutt! Good question. I understand from Dr. Rowold that they have published two editions – one using the simplified Chinese characters for folks in the PRC and one using the traditional characters for those outside the PRC or who prefer them. Thanks for all your co-labor as we work together to publish Christ-centered, Gospel-saturated literature for the nations!

    3. Freeman Li Avatar

      You may order those Chinese books related Dr. Martin Luther /Lutheran online from North America.

      Monterey Park
      603 N. New Ave., ‪#‎A‬-C
      Monterey Park, CA 91755
      Tel: (626)571-6769 or (626)369-3663
      Fax: (626)571-1362
      E-mail: [email protected]

      25039 馬丁路德羅馬書講義 *** 停版 ***
      Luther: Lectures on Romans
      馬丁路德(Martin Luther) 譯者: 李春旺

      25044 路德和加爾文的聖靈神學初探 –

      16627 馬丁路德神學
      The Theology of Martin Luther (POD版)
      Paul Althaus著
      /段琦.孫善玲 合
      譯 $35.95
      4793 信與愛-路德的社會倫理觀
      Faith Active In Love
      喬治霍萊著 Geo
      rge Forell $5.25
      211 路德選集(上) 馬丁路德著 $23.95
      212 路德選集(下) 馬丁路德著 $23.95

      4741 九十五條 – 改教初期文獻六篇 (路德文選2)
      The Ninety-Five Theses/Six Works From The Beginnings of The Reformation
      Martin Luther馬丁路德 $5.50

      4743 路德語粹續集 (路德文選4)
      Compend of Luther’s Theology
      馬丁路德著 Martin Muther $2.95
      4745 路德的聖洗觀 (路德文選7)
      Luther on Baptism
      約瑟夫森著 Ruben Josefson

      4747 路德的倫理觀 (路德文選9)
      Luther’s Ethical Conception
      賀爾 Karl Holl
      4748 聖誕之書 (路德文選10)
      The Martin Luther Christmas Book
      6239 路德文集 – 信仰與社會/硬面精裝
      Luther’s Works-Faith and Society
      Martin Luther / 馬丁路德著

      19488 路德神學類編
      Compend of Luther’s Theology
      *Out of stock H.T.Ken,Jr.

      19692 九十五條及有關改教文獻考 – 路德文選十一
      MARTIN LUTHER’S 95 THESES With the Pertinent Documents from the History of the
      Kurt Aland/王建屏.鄭秀清譯

      23223 路德文集第一卷:改革文獻1(硬面精裝)/
      The Chinese Edition of Luther’s Works Volume One: Reformation Writings 1
      馬丁路德 Martin Luther /伍渭文主編
      23224 路德文集第二卷:改革文獻2(硬面精裝)/
      The Chinese Edition of Luther’s Works Volume Two: Reformation Writings 2
      馬丁路德 Martin Luther/雷雨田主編
      9225 覺醒中的自由 – 路德神學精要

      21028 馬丁路德神學研究
      The Study of Martin Luther’s Theology
      楊慶球著 $12.60

      28756 路德神學 – 當代解讀
      Martin Luther’s Theology
      拜爾 Oswald Bayer

      4634 路德傳奇-馬丁路德的生平與思想
      The Luther Legacy
      傅瑞爾George W.Forell

      26851 馬丁路德 – 上帝子民的牧者
      Martin Luther – Pastor of God’s People
      柯樂伯 Robert
      Kolb譯者: 顧美芬 $5.95

      10200 馬丁路德小傳 – 屬靈偉人小傳3
      4831 這是我的立場 – 改教先導馬丁路德傳記
      Here I Stand – A Life of Martin Luther
      羅倫培登著 Roland Bainton

      4861 路德點滴

      4770 馬丁路德傳
      The Life of Martin Luther /修訂版
      H.H.Holmquist何魁禮著 /戴懷仁等譯

      2968 馬丁路德的痛苦與狂喜
      21571 馬丁路德 – 改革運動的先鋒 (心靈小經典7)
      Pioneer of Reformation – Martin Luther

      25739 馬丁路德的倫理觀
      The Ethics of Martin Luther Paul Althaus 保羅‧阿爾托依茲/ 譯者: 顧美芬

      7404 馬丁路德

      4752 信義宗禮拜與聖事儀式
      22699 協同書 (修訂版) – 基督教信義宗教會信條
      The Book of Concord (Revised Edition)/硬面精裝
      James A. Rimbach(Academic Consultant)/李天德譯

      25328 信義宗信徒手冊
      The Lutheran Handbook Augsburg Fortr
      ess/譯者: 鄺天賜 $21.00

  2. Marcia Mittwede Avatar

    Thank you for the info. These would be very useful for Chinese international students and scholars. It would be most helpful to know how we can access these.

  3. Freeman Li Avatar

    Asian Book One
    3502 NE 65th Street
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    Tel: 206-659-0699 or 206-734-5411
    Fax: 206-420-3696
    E-mail Contacts:
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    The Ninety–Five Theses /
    Martin Luther 馬丁路德


    Spiritual Classics Minia

    我們的信仰/我们的信仰 Our Belief
    Martin Luther 馬丁路德

    真理的教師/真理的教师–馬丁路德和他的世界 (簡字)
    Luther And His World (Simplified) Graham Tomlin

    基督徒的自由 Christian Liberty (附馬丁路德講道詞八篇)
    Martin Luther 馬丁路德
    馬丁路德/马丁路德(簡) Luther (Simplified)
    Michael Mullett 邁克爾‧馬萊特

    The Theology of Martin Luther(simplified)
    Paul Althaus 保羅.阿爾托依茲

    馬丁路德傳 The Life of Martin Luther

    路德點滴 Sketches of Martin Luther
    019064 路德的聖洗觀/路德的圣洗观
    Luther On Baptism
    Martin Luther 馬丁路德

    Selected Wroks of Martin Luther (II
    Martin Luther 馬丁路德

    Selected Wroks of Martin Luther (I)
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    AFC Bookstore:
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    馬丁路德傳 $16.95
    馬丁路德的倫理觀 $14.95
    The Ethics of Martin Luther Paul Althaus

    路德選集(上集) $25.95
    The Life of Martin Luther Volume 1: Selected Works of Martin Luther Martin … Selected Works of Martin Luther
    Martin Luther 编译
    基督教历代名著序言序言路德选集导论之一——路德及其传统路德选集导论之二 在這兩卷作品中,我們可以看見路德怎樣秉著大無畏的精神,為恢復聖經的真理…

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    The Life of Martin Luther Volume 2: Selected Works of Martin Luther Martin … Selected Works of Martin
    Luther Martin Luther 编译
    基督教历代名著序言序言路德选集导论之一——路德及其传统路德选集导论之二 在這兩卷作品中,我們可以看見路德怎樣秉著大無畏的精神,為恢復聖經的真理…

    這是我的立場-改教先導馬丁路德傳記 $26.95
    Here I Stand – Life of Martin Luther By Roland Bainton …
    馬丁·路德(德語:Martin Luther,1483年11月10日-1546年2月18日),德國基督教神學家,宗教改革運動的主要發起人,基督教更正派信義宗教會(即路德宗)的開創者,曾是羅馬大公教會奧 … Luther,1483年11月10日-1546年2月18日),德國基督教神學家,宗教改革運動的主要發起人,基督教更正派信義宗教會(即路德宗)的開創者,曾是羅馬大公教會奧斯定會的修士。提倡因信稱義,反對教宗的權威地位。他翻譯的德文聖經影響深…

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  4. Freeman Li Avatar
    Freeman Li


    Catechetical Helps – Chinese
    by Kurth, Erwin
    Item #: 166038
    By Erwin Kurth. A 26 lesson study guide on Luther’s Small Catechism. Sections cover the Law and Gospel, Apostles’ Creed…
    Cathechetical Helps – Simplified Chinese
    Price: $5.00

    Cathechetical Helps – Simplified Chinese

    Item #: 166063
    A 26-lesson study guide on Luther’s Small Catechism. Sections cover the Law and Gospel, Apostles’s Creed, the Lord´s Prayer…
    My Stories about Jesus – Chinese
    Price: $1.95

    My Stories about Jesus – Chinese
    by Fletcher, Sarah
    My Stories about Jesus, New Testament Stories for small children . Full color children’s book tells 15 important stories about…

    Worship in Concord – English/Chinese
    Sale Price: $8.75
    This traditionl Chinese/English resource is more than a hymnal; it is a comprehensive resource for Christian worship. The 1000+ page…

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    – See more at:

    1. A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories
    Gross, Arthur W.
    Chinese, Traditional

    2. A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories – 2nd Edition
    Gross, Arthur W.
    Chinese, Traditional

    3. Augsburg Confession

    Chinese, Traditional

    4. Exploring Luther’s Small Catechism – Workbook – combined Student/Teacher Edition
    Sauer, Robert C.
    Chinese, Traditional

    5. My Daily Devotion
    Carter, Stephen J.
    Chinese, Traditional

    The magazine, GOOD NEWS in Chinese

    3 Baptism 洗禮
    4 Justification 稱義
    5 Sanctification 成聖
    6 Lord’s Supper 主的晚餐/你們都喝這個,這是我的血
    7 The Word 道
    8 Prayer 禱告
    9 Faith Out of stock 信
    10 Kingdom of God 上帝的國
    11 Law & Gospel 律法與福音
    12 Revelation 啟示錄
    13 Creation 創造
    14 In Christ 在基督裡
    15 Heresy 論異端
    16 Repentance 悔改
    17 Heaven 天堂
    18 Justification 稱義
    19 Holy Spirit 聖靈
    20 Forgiveness 饒恕
    21 God Our Father 父上帝
    22 Christ in You 基督在你們裡面活著
    23 Suffering 苦難
    24 Worship 敬拜
    25 Abiding in Christ 常在基督裡

  5. Ben Haupt Avatar
    Ben Haupt

    Thanks Rev. Freeman Li and Rev. Mike Paul for commenting and adding these additional resources for ministry to Chinese speakers – rich treasures from the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. May they plant the Word home and bear fruit here and into eternity!

  6. Freeman Li Avatar
    Freeman Li

    LSB# English Title 英文歌名 Chinese Title 中文譯名
    331 The Advent of Our King 我們的王將臨
    332 Savior of the Nations, Come 萬國救主恳降臨
    333 Once He Came in Blessing 上帝愛子下降
    334 O Lord How Shall I Meet You 我該如何迎接主
    335 O Bride of Christ, Rejoice 樂哉,基督新婦
    336 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending 看哪,他驾云彩降临
    337 The Night Will Soon Be Ending N?A
    338 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 久望耶穌,懇求降臨
    339 Lift Up Your Heads, You Everlasting Doors 黑夜即將要結束
    340 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates 榮耀之王於今要來
    341 Lift Up Your Heads You Mighty Gates 榮耀之王於今要來
    342 What Hope! An Eden Prophesied
    343 Prepare the Royal Highway 預備道路為救主
    344 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry 約旦河邊,約翰宣言
    345 Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding 聽哪,驚心刺耳聲音
    346 When All the World was Cursed
    347 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 你當安慰,安慰我民
    348 The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns 夜盡天明君王來臨
    349 Hark the Glad Sound The Savior Comes 請聽歡聲救主降臨
    350 Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come 贖罪代價救世主
    351 Creator of the Stars of Night
    352 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord 普天感謝主恩施
    353 Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
    354 Arise, O Christian People
    355 O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide
    356 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came 天使加百列奉差由天来
    357 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 以馬內利,懇求降臨
    358 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 從至高天我降臨
    359 Lo, How a Rose e’re Blooming 請看新生一玫瑰/
    360 All My Heart Again Rejoices 今日我心踴躍歡喜
    361 O Little Town of Bethlehem 美哉小城,小伯利恆
    362 O Sing of Christ 哦!颂赞基督
    363 Silent Night, Holy Night 安靜夜,聖善夜
    364 Away in a Manger 遠遠在馬槽裡
    365 Away in a Manger 遠遠在馬槽裡
    366 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear 思想當年,時方夜半
    367 Angels from the Realms of Glory 天使來自榮耀國度
    368 Angels We Have Heard on High 天使歌唱在高天
    369 Where Shepherds Lately Knelt 在牧人跪下之地
    370 What Child is This 是何嬰孩
    371 Let Our Gladness Banish Sadness
    372 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is 耶穌基督所臥馬槽
    373 See Amid the Winter’s Snow 看聖子在馬槽內
    374 Gentle Mary Laid Her Child 馬利亞聖嬰耶穌
    375 Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising
    376 Once In Royal David’s City 古時候,在大衛城中
    377 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
    378 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light 何等美善屬天榮光
    379 O Come, All Ye Faithful 齊來,宗主信徒
    380 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing 請聽天使高聲唱
    381 Let Our Gladness Have No End 我们欢乐无穷尽
    382 We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth 虔誠基督聖潔嬰孩
    383 A Great and Mighty Wonder 我們同唱榮耀詩歌/偉大神奇
    384 Of the Father’s Love Begotten 聖子早由父愛誕生
    385 From East to West From Shore to Shore
    386 Now Sing We, Now Rejoice 我今唱聖誕歌
    387 Joy to the World the Lord is Come 普世歡騰,救主下降
    388 Go Tell it on the Mountain 到山嶺上去傳揚
    389 Let All Together Praise Our God 頌揚上帝至高寶座
    390 Let Us All with Gladsome Voice 世人都當大歡欣
    391 Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn 今有救主為我誕生
    392 God Loves Me Dearly 上帝是仁愛
    393 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 小小聖嬰何等謙卑
    394 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise 齊來讚美主耶穌
    395 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright 主乃真理充滿恩光
    396 Arise and Shine in Splendor 選民速起發輝光
    397 As with Gladness Men of Old 昔有三賢心喜樂
    398 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed 歡迎上帝所膏立
    399 The Star Proclaims the King is Here
    400 Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning 美哉晨星,比眾星更加美麗
    401 From God the Father, Virgin-Born 从天父上帝,童女生
    402 The Only Son from Heaven
    403 O Savior of Our Fallen Race
    404 Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered 耶稣曾被列在罪人中
    405 To Jordan’s River Came Our Lord 我主基督到約旦河
    406 To Jordan Came Our Lord the Christ 我主基督到約旦河
    407 To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord 我主基督到約旦河
    408 Come, Join in Cana’s Feast
    409 Hail, O Source of Every Blessing 哦,各样福气的根源
    410 Within the Father’s House 在天父的殿中
    411 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 我愿行走如同光明之子
    412 The People That in Darkness Sat
    413 O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair 基督變像何等奇妙
    414 ‘Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here 主啊,這裡真好
    415 Jesus on the Mountain Peak
    416 Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory
    417 Alleluia, Song of Gladness 阿利路亞頌歌飄揚
    418 O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days 哦!主历经这四十天
    419 Savior When in Dust to Thee 主啊,我在灰塵中
    420 Christ, the Life of All the Living 基督是萬物之生命
    421 Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing 耶穌賜那香膏醫治
    422 On My Heart Imprint Your Image
    423 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary 罪人逃閃城主耶穌
    424 O Christ, You Walked the Road
    425 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 我每思念奇妙十架
    426 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 我每思念奇妙十架
    427 In the Cross of Christ I Glory 十字寶架,我所矜誇
    428 Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow 耶穌十架
    429 We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died 我們歌頌受難君王
    430 My Song is Love Unknown 頌主深奧大愛
    431 Not All the Blood of Beasts
    432 In Silent Pain the Eternal Son
    433 Glory Be to Jesus 榮耀歸於耶穌
    434 Lamb of God, Pure and Holy 至聖上帝羔羊/上帝羔羊有何罪
    435 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain
    436 Go to Dark Gethsemane 信徒,每逢受試探
    437 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed 我主為何流出寶血
    438 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth 上帝羔羊無怨前行
    439 O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken 親愛主耶穌袮犯何等罪惡
    440 Jesus, I Will Ponder Now 耶穌乎我今思想
    441 Ride On Ride On in Majesty 榮耀君王騎驢前行
    442 All Glory, Laud, and Honor 無量讚美和榮光
    443 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna 唱 “和散那!和散那!”/榮耀進城
    444 No Tramp of Soldiers’ Marching Feet
    445 When You Woke That Thursday Morning
    446 Jesus, Greatest at the Table
    447 Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
    448 O Darkest Woe 嗚呼痛哉十架禍災
    449 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 哀哉,我耶穌聖首
    450 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 哀哉,我耶穌聖首
    451 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 主受擊打苦待鞭傷
    452 O Perfect Life of Love 完美慈愛一生
    453 Upon the Cross Extended 願人來看我救主
    454 Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle 同來頌揚光榮戰爭
    455 The Royal Banners Forward Go 王旗前導燦爛晶明
    456 Were You There When They Crucified My Lord 你是否在場
    457 Jesus Christ is Risen Today 今朝基督正复生
    458 Christ Jesus lay in Death’s Strong Bands 基督耶穌受死捆綁
    459 Christ is Arisen 基督已復活
    460 Christians, to the Paschal Victim 基督徒向羔羊牺牲
    461 I Know that My Redeemer Lives 我卻知道救主活著
    462 All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding
    463 Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia 今日基督已復活
    464 The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done 戰事完畢,爭鬥告終
    465 Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds 萬物相與聚集歡喜
    466 Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia
    467 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness 我心起來當快樂/起身起身當快樂
    468 I am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives 已經夠了,求主接待我靈
    469 Christ the Lord is Risen Today 基督我主今復生
    470 O Sons and Daughters of the King 信眾兒女,齊來歌唱
    471 O Sons and Daughters of the King 信眾兒女,齊來歌唱
    472 These Things Did Thomas Count as Real 使徒多馬算定實情
    473 Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free 逾越羔羊被獻為祭
    474 Alleluia! Jesus is Risen
    475 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing 基督信徒喜樂歌唱
    476 Who are You Who Walk in Sorrow
    477 Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven
    478 The Day of Resurrection 救主復活之良辰
    479 Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living
    480 He’s Risen, He’s Risen
    481 Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom
    482 This Joyful Eastertide 欣逢復活良辰
    483 With High Delight Let Us Unite
    484 Make Songs of Joy to Christ Our Head
    485 Long Before the World Is Waking
    486 If Christ Had Not Been Raised From Death
    487 Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain 忠實信徒當一致
    488 He is Arisen! Glorious Word 至大信息今傳給我
    489 Hail Thee, Festival Day 同歡慶快樂辰
    490 Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won 耶穌復活得全勝
    491 Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels 無盡天使高聲歡呼
    492 On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build 因主基督高昇於天
    493 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing 我們同唱榮耀詩歌
    494 See, the Lord Ascends in Triumph 試看救主,榮耀君王
    495 Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious 看哪﹗聖徒,榮耀光景
    496 Holy Spirit Light Divine 神光顯赫主聖靈
    497 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord 主神聖靈請降臨
    498 Come Holy Ghost Creator Blest 懇求聖靈/求主聖靈賜大能來
    499 Come Holy Ghost Our Souls Inspire 懇求聖靈/求主聖靈賜大能來
    500 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid 造化的神!祢佇早時
    501 Come Down, O Love Divine 主,願袮愛愛親臨
    502 Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven
    503 O Day Full of Grace 今晨我又見朝日上升
    504 Father Most Holy 至聖之天父
    505 Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay 聖父聖子和聖靈
    506 Glory Be to God the Father 榮光歸在父上帝
    507 Holy, Holy, Holy 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉
    508 The Day is Surely Drawing Near 年月已滿時日已至
    509 Christ is Surely Coming
    510 A Multitude Comes from the East and the West
    511 Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment 天使宣布審判信息
    512 At the Name of Jesus 崇拜聖名
    513 The Clouds of Judgment Gather
    514 The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us 新郎不久即來臨
    515 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers 歡欣歡欣眾信徒
    516 Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying 聖民速醒,長夜快盡
    517 By All Your Saints in Warfare 奮力爭戰眾信徒
    518 By All Your Saints in Warfare 奮力爭戰眾信徒
    519 In His Temple Now Behold Him
    520 Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright 清晨群星,何其燦爛輝煌
    521 Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken
    522 Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise
    523 O Word of God Incarnate 真神聖道成肉身
    524 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds 信徒聽到耶穌聖名
    525 Crown Him with Many Crowns 高舉基督為王
    526 You Are the Way to You Alone 你是道路, 唯有靠你
    527 O Savior, Precious Savior 救主,寶貴之救主
    528 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 但願萬民都來歌唱
    529 Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus
    530 No Temple Now, No Gift of Price
    531 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus 頌讚受辱耶穌
    532 The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns 以前曾戴荊棘的頭
    533 Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasures
    534 Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor 滿載榮光主登寶座
    535 How Wide the Love of Christ
    536 One Thing’s Needful 人不可少只有一件
    537 Beautiful Savior 美哉救主
    538 Praise Be to Christ
    539 Christ Is the World’s Redeemer 基督普世救贖主
    540 Christ, the Word of God Incarnate
    541 Away from Us!” the Demon Cried
    542 When I Behold Jesus Christ
    543 What Wondrous Love is This 何等奇妙大愛
    544 O Love, How Deep 上主之愛長闊高深
    545 Word of God, Come Down on Earth 上帝之道降凡塵
    546 O Jesus So Sweet, O Jesus So Mild
    547 The Lamb 贖罪祭羔羊
    548 Thanks to Thee, O Christ, Victorious
    549 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 齊讚耶穌大能聖名
    550 Lamb of God 真神羔羊
    551 When to Our World the Savior Came
    552 O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life
    553 O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire 基督我所愛慕盼望
    554 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful 主耶穌最奇妙君王
    555 Salvation Unto Us Has Come 救恩已来到我们中
    556 Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice 我眾信徒,歡欣快樂
    557 Seek Where You May to Find a Way 世人找尋別種路程
    558 Not Unto Us
    559 Oh, How Great Is Your Compassion N/a
    560 Drawn to the Cross, which Thou hast Blest
    561 The Tree of Life
    562 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall 因亞當罪完全敗壞
    563 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness 耶穌寶血並主妙義
    564 Christ Sits at God’s Right Hand
    565 Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ 基督工作何深
    566 By Grace I’m Saved 憑恩得救
    567 Not What These Hands have Done 若靠我有雙手
    568 If Your Beloved Son, O God 天父上帝獨生愛子
    569 In Adam We Have All Been One
    570 Just as I am, Without One Plea 來就上主羔羊
    571 God Loved the World So that He Gave 天父上帝憐愛世人
    572 In the Shattered Bliss of Eden
    573 Lord, ‘Tis Not that I did Choose Thee
    574 Before the Throne of God Above 在高天真神宝座前
    575 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less 我所盼望唯一根基/堅固磐石
    576 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less 我所盼望唯一根基
    577 Almighty God, Your Word is Cast 聖道種子撒播
    578 Thy Strong Word
    579 The Law of God Is Good and Wise
    580 The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace
    581 These Are the Holy Ten Commands 聽主所設十條聖誡
    582 God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage 上帝聖道為我嗣產
    583 God has Spoken by His Prophets 主藉歷代先知曉諭 
    584 Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing
    585 Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide 懇求救主常與我居
    586 Preach You the Word
    587 I Know My Faith is Founded 我心自有所依歸
    588 Jesus Loves Me 耶穌愛我我曉得
    589 Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens
    590 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy 受洗歸入至聖名
    591 This is the Spirit’s Entry Now 聖善神靈進你心靈
    592 Dearest Jesus, We Are Here 親愛救主,我在此
    593 See This Wonder in the Making
    594 God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It
    595 O Blessed Spring
    596 All Christians Who Have Been Baptized 凡信而受洗基督徒
    597 Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying
    598 Once in the Blest Baptismal Waters 奉耶穌名領洗禮的時候
    599 O Gracious Lord, With Love Draw Near
    600 Mark How the Lamb of God’s Self-Offering
    601 All Who Believe and Are Baptized 信而受洗必然得救
    602 The Gifts Christ Freely Gives 基督礼物恩赐
    603 We Know that Christ is Raised 確知基督復生
    604 I Bind Unto Myself Today 持守信仰我今委身
    605 Father Welcomes 天父歡迎
    606 I Lay My Sins on Jesus 我將我罪歸耶穌
    607 From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee 我從深淵向主哭訴
    608 Lord, to You I Make Confession
    609 Jesus Sinners Does Receive 耶穌接待眾罪人/救主耶穌接罪人
    610 Lord Jesus, Think on Me 懇求耶穌垂念
    611 Chief of Sinners Though I Be
    612 As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered
    613 To You Omniscient Lord of All 我立全智上帝面前
    614 As Surely as I Live,” God Said 主耶和華上帝曾說
    615 When in the Hour of Deepest Need 每當患難危險來臨
    616 Baptismal Waters Cover Me
    617 O Lord, We Praise Thee 主啊,讚美袮
    618 I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table 我來恭領救主聖晚餐
    619 Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior
    620 Jesus Comes Today with Healing
    621 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 凡有血氣,皆當靜默
    622 Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared 耶穌基督生命聖餅
    623 Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray
    624 The Infant Priest Was Holy Born
    625 Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread 耶穌基督生命聖餅
    626 Come, Let Us Eat 來我們吃宴席今己擺設
    627 Jesus Christ Our Blessed Savior 耶穌基督萬人救主
    628 Your Table I Approach
    629 What Is This Bread
    630 Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling 我等前來 恭敬贊吟
    631 Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face 在此我能瞻仰救主聖容
    632 O Jesus Blessed Lord to Thee 感謝救主賜我恩筵
    633 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing 聖羔筵上同聲唱
    634 The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord
    635 O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing
    636 Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness 我靈你要披上喜樂
    637 Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord 行近聖壇前
    638 Eat This Bread 吃這餅
    639 Wide Open Stand the Gates
    640 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior 聖事中見主歌
    641 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart 主滿足飢渴慕義心
    642 O Living Bread from Heaven
    643 Sent Forth By God’s Blessing 領主福受差遣
    644 The Church’s One Foundation 教會唯一的根基
    645 Built on the Rock 至聖教會立磐石上
    646 Church of God, Elect and Glorious
    647 Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head
    648 Glorious Things of You are Spoken 美哉錫安,上帝聖城
    649 Blest Be the Tie that Binds 福哉系連妙結
    650 Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling 真神聖靈永居高
    651 I Love Your Kingdom, Lord 我愛我主之國
    652 Father, We Thank Thee
    653 In Christ There is No East or West 在主耶穌基督之中
    654 Your Kingdom, O God, Is My Glorious Treasure
    655 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word 求主保護我眾信徒
    656 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 神/主為其名堅固城牆
    657 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 神/主為其名堅固城牆
    658 Preserve Your Word, O Savior 求主保護袮聖道
    659 Lord of Our Life 生命之主宰
    660 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 站起,進攻為耶穌
    661 The Son of God Goes Forth to War 上帝聖子前往戰爭
    662 Onward, Christian Soldiers 信徒如同精兵
    663 Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
    664 Fight the Good Fight 奮勇奮勇,奮勇戰爭
    665 Be Strong in the Lord
    666 Do Not Despair O Little Flock
    667 Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses
    668 Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You 基督精兵,穿上軍裝
    669 Come, We That Love the Lord 凡敬愛主的人
    670 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones 守望之使,聖潔天軍
    671 Sing with All the Saints in Glory
    672 Jerusalem the Golden 耶路撒冷黃金邦
    673 Jerusalem, My Happy Home 耶路撒冷,安樂家庭
    674 Jerusalem, O City Fair and High 耶路撒冷至高至美聖城
    675 Oh, What Their Joy 蒙福的靈,能看見永平安
    676 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White 白衣成隊,各方排列
    677 For All the Saints 景仰眾聖徒
    678 We Sing for All the Unsung Saints
    679 Oh, How Blest Are They 安然去世爾等已蒙恩光
    680 Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
    681 Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit
    682 God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets’ Sons 先知的主賜福先知後嗣
    683 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me 耶稣赐我无限慈爱
    684 Come unto Me, Ye Weary 凡勞苦擔重擔的人
    685 Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus 讓我們與耶穌同行
    686 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 全能真神,萬福源頭
    687 Yours Forever God of Love
    688 Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake 主耶穌云跟從我來
    689 Let Me Be Thine Forever 容我常常屬主
    690 Hope of the World
    691 Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing 聖靈播種栽植灌溉
    692 Praise to You and Adoration 深願尊貴、榮耀、頌讚
    693 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace
    694 Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower 主乃我力並我高台
    695 Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels 我不求說天使話語
    696 O God, My Faithful God

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