2015 Theological Symposium Videos

2015 Theological Symposium Videos

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, hosted its 26th annual Theological Symposium September 22-23, 2015, on the theme, “In Remembrance of Me: Memory and the Life of Faith.”  The symposium brought together scientists, researchers, and theologians to explore what is being learned about memory and its role in the life of faith, how it fosters community, and what it means for ministry, preaching, and pastoral care.

Below are videos of some of the presentations.

You Are What You Remember
Steve Joordens

The Communal Dimension of Memory Formation and Retention
Charlotte Linde

The Gift of Remembrance: The Lord’s Supper in the Pauline Tradition
Mark Siefrid

When Memory Fails Us
Rick Marrs & Jeff Scheer

Helping People Remember the Sermon Beyond the Parking Lot
Glenn Nielsen


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