Word and Work: Faith, Writing, and Life

In Word and Work: An Intersection, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis President Dr. Dale A. Meyer interviews Dr. Travis Scholl, managing editor of Concordia Journal and Seminary Publications, about his role at the Seminary as well as with the Seminary’s Faith and Writing Workshop and continuing education offerings. Scholl is one of the presenters at the writing workshop, set for July 30-Aug. 1, 2019.  The Faith and Writing Workshop explores various forms of creative writing—starting a blog, creating a sermon or devotion, “traditional” forms of creative writing (story, nonfiction, drama, poetry)—and everything in between.

For more information about the workshop, or to register, go to the Faith and Writing Workshop page at csl.edu.

You can download the episode in video (mp4) or audio (mp3) format at the Word and Work Scholar page.

Word and Work: An Intersection is a video and audio program providing a behind-the-scenes look at ministry where everyday life and God’s Word meet. It is broadcast on KFUO Radio every Thursday at 2:00 pm CT