Sneak Peek: 2020 Multiethnic Symposium

The Multiethnic Symposium (MES) began over a decade ago, but it has gained tremendous momentum in the last few years. It has drawn significant national and international renowned speakers.

This year’s theme is The Rest and the West: What the West Can Learn from Global South Christianity. It will be held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, May 5-6, 2020.

Factors like unprecedented global migration and increasing birthrates have made the documented growth of Global South Christianity not only a distant reality “out there” but a present-day reality here in the United States. How can the church in the modern West, preoccupied with the rise of cultural realities such as secularism and nihilism, interact with and learn from the church in the Global South? What might the Global South contribute to our thinking about practices such as preaching and teaching, worship and the arts, and evangelism and social engagement? The Multiethnic Symposium will gather a group of voices, including a prominent group of scholars and practitioners from the Global South abroad and in the U.S. to reflect on this question.

We are especially glad to announce that world-recognized scholar of Global Christianity, Dr. Philip Jenkins, will give the keynote address to help us think through all these questions.

Join us for plenary addresses, sectionals, worship, and fellowship at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. More details on MES will be forthcoming soon. Save the date now!





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