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66 Texts from 66 Books by Paul Deterding offers a preacher the opportunity to preach a text from each book of the entire Bible in one church year. This preaching schedule is not meant to displace a regular use of a common lectionary, but to give pastors and congregations an opportunity to look at the entire sweep of the biblical witness, especially at a time when biblical literacy is in decline. In order to cover all 66 books of the Bible, the series offers a sermon text for every Sunday in a church year, plus texts for three midweek Advent services, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, six midweek Lenten services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Thanksgiving.
Rev. Dr. Paul Deterding serves as dean of chapel and chairman of the religion department at Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia, Missouri, and an adjunct professor at Concordia University, Nebraska. He is a contributor to The Apocrypha: Lutheran Edition with Notes, edited the Concordia Popular Commentary volumes on Revelation and 1 Corinthians, and served as a consultant, an author, and an associate editor for The Lutheran Study Bible. His publications include the Bible studies Daniel: Encouragement for Faith and Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi: Return to the Lord and the Concordia Commentary volume Colossians.