“One Nation Under God”

In Word and Work: An Intersection, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, President Emeritus Dr. Dale A. Meyer tackles the subject of how we as Christians should interface with our secular culture and the government with Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. Joel Biermann. “God is at work in the world,” Biermann says. “Christians and the church need to help the government stay accountable and stay truthful. When we tell people, ‘in God we trust’ and ‘one nation under God,’ really that’s a reminder that you’re accountable to God for what you do. God is going to judge you someday. Are you doing things the way He wants you?”

Biermann is the author of Wholly Citizens: God’s Two Realms and Christian Engagement with the World. In the audio version of the program, listen to a recent chapel sermon from Biermann. You can download the episode in video (mp4) or audio (mp3) format at the Word and Work Scholar page: scholar.csl.edu/wordandwork/81/.

Word and Work: An Intersection is a video and audio program providing a behind-the-scenes look at ministry where everyday life and God’s Word meet. It is broadcast on KFUO Radio every Thursday at 2:00 pm CT.