“Christ, the Life of All the Living”

A Concordia Seminary, St. Louis choir, led by Dr. James Marriott, sings “Christ the Life of All the Living” (Lutheran Service Book 420) on Feb. 9, 2021, from the balcony of the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.

About this hymn, Dr. Marriott writes:

Our series of hymn recordings celebrates the rich intersection of music and theology in our Lutheran heritage. This hymn, Christ the Life of All the Living, recalls the atrocities of the crucifixion scene, instilling upon us a resounding refrain of thanks and praise: “Thousand, thousand thanks shall be, dearest Jesus, unto Thee.” We invite you to meditate on the text with us (LSB 420), or even to sing along as you listen!

Learn more about the musical offerings at the Seminary at csl.edu/campus-life/music-arts/.