“Drop Your Nets and Follow Me”

Concordia Seminary’s Enrollment Office, under Associate Provost Benjamin Haupt, has developed the booklet Drop Your Nets and Follow Me, written by the Rev. Micah Glenn, Director of Recruitment and Enrollment, to encourage those who are, or should be, considering professional church work. Print copies of the booklet have been mailed to all rostered church workers of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. We offer it here in digital format for viewing, downloading, and sharing.

To request print copies, contact the Enrollment Office at 800-822-9545 or [email protected].

Of the booklet, Concordia Seminary President Thomas Egger writes:

The enclosed booklet, Drop Your Nets and Follow Me, explores the example of Jesus calling His disciples and outlines practical tips for encouraging future seminarians, those who will be tomorrow’s church leaders, those who will become Christ’s servants tending to you and me, to our children and to future generations.

I implore you to join us in this vital work. If you know someone who possesses the gifts and qualities to serve as a pastor or deaconess, please encourage him or her in the joyous vocation of sharing the Gospel. It is our hope that the enclosed booklet provides guidance in helping you to do this. We’ve enclosed extra copies and encourage you to share this booklet with others who can join in the effort of encouraging future church workers.