2021 Multiethnic Symposium

Concordia Seminary’s annual Multiethnic Symposium gathered online May 4-5, 2021 around the theme “The Rest and the West: What the West Can Learn From Global South Christianity.” You can watch videos of the plenary sessions of the symposium below.

Videos of all the recorded presentations can be viewed and/or downloaded at the Seminary’s Scholar archive: https://scholar.csl.edu/mucu/2021/.

More information about the Multiethnic Symposium can be found at its website: https://www.csl.edu/resources/continuing-education/multiethnic-symposium/.

Philip Jenkins, “The Empire Strikes Back: Migrations and the New Global Christianity”

Vince Bantu, “Does God See Color? Gospel and Culture in Historical Perspective”

Marcel Silva Steuernagel, “From the Rest to the West: Lessons in Worship from the Global South”
15th Annual Lecture in Hispanic/Latino Theology and Mission

Samuel Deressa, “What can the West Learn from the Rest? Nurturing the Culture of Global Conversation”





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