A new collection of essays in honor of our own Professor Mark Seifrid, Always Reforming: Reflections on Martin Luther and Biblical Studies, appeared this past Spring from Lexham Press, and includes essays from such well-known scholars as Oswald Bayer, Thomas Schreiner, and Robert Kolb, with a forward by D.A. Carson. I recently sat down (via Zoom) with the Dr. Seifrid and the two editors, Robert Plummer and Channing Crisler (Plummer and Crisler were both students of Seifrid but are now New Testament scholars in their own right, at SBTS and Anderson University, respectively). We engaged in wide-ranging conversation about the book, Seifrid’s previous tenure at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and what Baptists like about Luther (and what they don’t). In the course of the discussion (posted below), a couple of resources were mentioned that the reader may be interested in as well. One is a book that looks at Law and Gospel from both the Lutheran and Reformed perspectives (God’s Two Words, Eerdmans 2008) and the other is an influential essay on Law and Gospel that Seifrid wrote when he was still at SBTS, (“Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth”).
Erik Herrmann