Concordia Seminary’s Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature Dr. David Schmitt interviews Professor of Practical Theology Dr. David Peter about his new book, Opening the Scriptures: Expository Preaching in the Lutheran Tradition from Concordia Seminary Press in this Concordia Journal Book Blurbs segment. The book is the second title in The Conversations in Preaching Series. The book demonstrates and affirms the value of expository preaching in the Lutheran tradition. Many people associate expository preaching with evangelicals, but Peter asserts that it is also part of Lutheranism. “Much of [Luther’s] preaching was expository,” Peter says in the video. “I’ve even seen some expository preaching in [C.F.W.] Walther’s repertoire. … I say it’s preaching the whole text not just something in the text.”
The book is available for purchase at the Seminary’s online store and on Amazon.
You can read more about the book in a press release.