Concordia Seminary’s Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Kevin Golden talks with Graduate Professor of Exegetical Theology Dr. James W. Voelz about his recent book, Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Everyone (Concordia Seminary Press, 2023), in this Concordia Journal Book Blurbs segment. Voelz has designed this inventive text for lay people who are intensely interested in doing in-depth interpretation of the sacred Scriptures. He looks at what readers encounter in English Bible translations and discusses everything from the manuscripts that stand behind those translations, to issues of language and meaning, to the surprisingly complex content of Scripture, to problems of application for today. “Deeper Dives” with more detail are included for those who are interested. Voelz says the book is written for the informed lay person who wants to go deep into the Bible. “This book is for the man, the woman who comes to Bible class with a Bible, a pad a paper, a pencil and is really wanting to learn,” Voelz says. “It’s not for the person who comes in with a donut and says, ‘Hey, is there a Bible somewhere in this class?’ I’m aiming at the person who really wants to delve in.”
The book is available for purchase through the Concordia Seminary online store.