Concordia Seminary’s Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Kevin Golden chats with Professor Emeritus Dr. Robert Kolb about his forthcoming book, Face to Face: Martin Luther’s View of Reality (Fortress Press, 2024), in this Concordia Journal Book Blurbs segment. The book provides an overview of Luther’s thought proceeds from the perspective of his use of the Latin preposition coram, “face-to-face with.” Kolb, a preeminent Luther scholar, proposes that under Luther’s use of dominant ancient concepts of reality in his day, he placed the foundation of relationships. Kolb wants readers to understand the “presence of God and His continuing relationship with us,” he says. God “always wants to be in dialogue with us. Luther’s understanding of faith is really much like Erik Erikson’s concept of trust. It grabs the whole of our person. If we really trust the word of Absolution and say, ‘OK God, if You say so, I’m righteous.” Then we’re going to want to act that out in righteous deeds. And so this idea of trusting in Christ and what He has done for us becomes the key to our relationship with God and with the world and with other human beings. That’s the exciting thing about Luther’s theology. It fits so nicely into 21st century life in the Western world.”
The book is available for purchase through Fortress Press and Amazon.