Liberian, Ethiopian church leaders to discuss evangelism in Africa

Explosive growth in the face of severe tribulation is the subject of two lectures by African church leaders Dec. 8 and 14, respectively, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The free lectures open to the public will focus on the advancement of the Church in Ethiopia and Liberia.

Amos Bolay

Rev. Amos Bolay: “Lutherans in Liberia”
Monday, Dec. 8, at 4 p.m.
Presidents Room, Concordia Seminary

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia (ELCL) has persevered and grown through long civil wars and recently during the Ebola outbreak. Rev. Amos Bolay, presiding bishop of the ELCL, will give a presentation on the work of the church, including its history, growth, work in the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak, and its Lutheran identity. Joining Bolay will be the Rev. Simon Dapaye, both of whom are graduate students at Concordia Seminary.

Wakseyoum Idossa

Dr. Wakseyoum Idossa: “The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus”
Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 4 p.m.
Presidents Room, Concordia Seminary

The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) has a history of struggle and growth, including persecution under communist rule. Dr. Wakseyoum Idossa, president of the EECMY, will lead a discussion on how the church has responded to the needs of its people by adopting a holistic model of ministry. With well over 6 million members, the church continues today to grow and strengthen its ministry.

Both lectures are free and will be live streamed. At the time of the lecture, the live stream can be accessed here.

For more information, contact Tiffany Leong at 314-505-7377 or [email protected].





One response to “Liberian, Ethiopian church leaders to discuss evangelism in Africa”

  1. Rick Strickert Avatar
    Rick Strickert

    Did Dr. Wakseyoum Idossa’s discussion on how the EECMY has responded to the needs of its people by adopting a holistic model of ministry refer to the EECMY’s goal of a thousand pastrixes by 2017, as discussed in the April, 2014, Norwegian Priestly Society article, “Møte med Rev. Dr. Bekure Daba fra Mekane Yesus kirken i Etiopia“?

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