Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived explores the ways in which theology permeates all aspects of life. Through conversations with the faculty of Concordia Seminary, we will challenge you to deepen your theology and live out your faith in Christ. Jessica Bordeleau talks with a variety of guests on a variety of topics, but all point to the intersection of faith and daily life. It’s tangible: theology learned and lived.
Justification by faith alone is a cornerstone of Lutheran theology. We may agree with the idea, but do we live like it’s true? Dr. Robert Kolb, professor emeritus and Dr. Joel Okamoto, professor of systematic theology, think many of us may not.
“I think our students would all agree that we are saved by faith, but it doesn’t look like they actually believe that,” said Okamoto.
“The critical question is, why does God like me today? Our students are having a particularly hard time struggling to get there,” said Kolb. “Maybe it’s due to the circumstances in which they live. It’s an insecure time, the world around us has more questions for us than ever before… they’re trying to nail down something hard and fast.”
Join us as we explore the complex and nuanced concepts of faith, righteousness, and salvation!
You can find more episodes of Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived on CSL Scholar and across all major podcast platforms. Check it out!
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