Augsburg Confession Booklet Download

The Augsburg Confession has throughout my days in ministry been a source of great comfort and occasional rebuke. It has consistently taken my eyes off of myself and the world and placed them firmly on the Christ of the cross and empty tomb. It was my initial idea to hand out copies of the Augsburg Confession to our parishioners as part of our yearlong celebration of the Lutheran Reformation. It occurred to me that there are likely many in our pews who are unfamiliar with this quintessential Lutheran document. It is also my desire to pursue potential distribution of the AC as an evangelistic endeavor as well. When I looked for published copies, they all proved to be cost prohibitive. So, to allow for inexpensive, personal duplication, I decided to reformat the document in an easily printable format. The document can be downloaded with this link.

It is my hope that God will comfort others with the Augustana as He has me.

Rev. Damian M. Snyder
Senior Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church
2101 10th Ave.
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Editor’s Note: We are happy to pass along helpful (free!) resources like this for pastors and congregations. Pastor Snyder tried to post a link in a comment on this post by Paul Raabe, but the site does not permit such links in the comments.





6 responses to “Augsburg Confession Booklet Download”

  1. Jon Avatar

    Perhaps I’m missing something, but the PDF seems to leave off somewhere before the end of Article XXIV. Is this not included? Is there another way to access this in the helpful format that Pastor Snyder has provided?

    1. Travis Scholl Avatar
      Travis Scholl

      Pastor Snyder provides the following reply:

      Thank you for your comment. I can see how one may come to this conclusion. However, the document that is linked to in the above is formatted to be printed in a bookfold style. So, when reading it via the PDF it is hard to follow the pages. As you scroll down you should notice it showing page 2 and 63 together, 3 and 64 together, etc. Page 63 contains some rudimentary printing instructions in the “fine print.” It also may be possible that when you downloaded the PDF, the download was somehow interrupted or incomplete. If you continue to have trouble, let me know and I will email you the file directly. My email address is in the document.

  2. P.J. Eddie Avatar
    P.J. Eddie

    Has the link been removed? I cannot find the A.C. or a link to print.

    1. Travis Scholl Avatar
      Travis Scholl

      Thanks for your note. Here is the direct Web address for the document:

      Hope this helps!

  3. Bill Lins Avatar
    Bill Lins

    the link is not working

    1. Travis Scholl Avatar
      Travis Scholl

      Thanks for letting us know. The link above has been updated to this address:

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