Call Day: An Inside Look

In Word and Work: An Intersection, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, President Emeritus Dr. Dale A. Meyer talks with Director of Placement Dr. Glenn Nielsen to get a peek behind the process of assigning students to their first pastoral or diaconal calls. Meyer also talks with two concluding seminarians, Mason Vieth and Nathaniel Brown, about their feelings as Call Day 2021 approaches April 28 and about their Seminary experience.

Both students share a few words of encouragement to those considering pastoral ministry. “I would encourage that person to come onto campus … and to visit some of the classes, talk with some of the profs,” Brown says. “And another thing I would recommend is … read your Bible and continue praying.” Vieth adds: “It is the Lord’s church. He’s got it under control no matter what happens. The Lord works through broken people to minister to His church. Don’t ever think you are too broken or don’t have enough skills.” Vieth also encourages prospective students to talk with those around him to see what they think about him becoming a pastor.

You can download the episode in video (mp4) or audio (mp3) format at the Word and Work Scholar page: