Concordia Seminary’s Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Erik Herrmann talks with Dr. Abjar Bahkou, associate professor of Practical Theology, about his recent book, Shining the Gospel Light on the Quran: Understanding and Engaging Muslims (Concordia Publishing House, 2021), in this Concordia Journal Book Blurbs segment.
Born in Syria, Bahkou converted to Lutheranism after translating some Lutheran materials into Arabic for a missions outreach effort of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Texas District. In the book, Bahkou advocates for Christians to tell their story and have dialogue with Muslims in the way Peter describes in 1 Peter 3:15. “Be ready to give the reason for your hope,” Bahkou says in the video. “You do it with gentleness and respect.” The book is available for purchase through Concordia Publishing House and Amazon.