Proper 9 • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 • July 5, 2015

Proper 9 • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 • July 5, 2015

By Andrew H. Bartelt Exegetical Notes If one has been preaching through 2 Corinthians with the lectionary, then the isagogical issues have been addressed, including the question of the number of letters and visits to the Corinthian congregation (discussions are available in commentaries and summarized in most study Bibles). This lesson skips ahead to chapter 12, where we find Paul ..

Reflections on Becoming a Multi-Ethnic Church

Reflections on Becoming a Multi-Ethnic Church

Reflections on Becoming a Multi-Ethnic Church

The Multi-Ethnic Symposium just concluded (January 27-28) reminds us of the changing mission environment in which the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod seeks to be, as confessional Lutherans, a faithful witness to the visible church on earth.  Whether any earthly manifestation of the kingdom of God, described in the New Testament as disciples of all nations, including those ..