“One Shepherd, Jesus Christ”
Concordia Seminary President Thomas Egger’s sermon for Call Day 2021.
God Shows No Partiality in Christ
Continuing the conversation on helping the church face racism.
“Drop Your Nets and Follow Me”
A new resource for those considering church work…or who should be.
“Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart”
A Concordia Seminary, St. Louis choir, led by James Marriott, sings this tremendous hymn of faith.
“We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God”
A Concordia Seminary, St. Louis choir, led by James Marriott, sings this glorious setting of the Te Deum.
The Future of Theological Education
Dale Meyer talks with Daniel Aleshire about the future of seminaries, pastoral formation, and continuing education.
“The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
A Concordia Seminary, St. Louis choir, led by James Marriott, sings the beloved hymn based on Psalm 23.
Call Day: An Inside Look
Glenn Nielsen talks about the call process, and two concluding students share their thoughts on the eve of Call Day.
“Awake, My Heart, with Gladness”
As we prepare for Call Day 2021, a virtual choir of faculty, students and families, and friends joined their voices in the Call Day service…