Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament
As the first in a series of articles that capture the leisure reading of Concordia Seminary faculty and how even leisure reading offers opportunity for…
Theology found – and not to be found – in Greek participles
Part I: Matthew 28:19–20 Playing the role of the “fly on the wall,” I was sitting in my Synoptic Gospels class, listening to a report…
Santify Them in the Truth
This is one of the petitions of the so-called High-priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17. The prayer was spoken (made) before Jesus’s ascension and…
A Meditation on Earthquakes
Two big earthquakes recently hit, one in Taiwan (7.4) and one on the east coast centered in New Jersey (4.8). This provides the opportunity to…
Theological Symposium – Call for Papers
The Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals for the 34th Annual Theological Symposium, September 17-18, 2024, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The title…
Lutheran Theology: Direct the Passions
This is part five in a series of posts by Dr. David Maxwell. The first was “What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?” The second was “Gregory…
Lutheran Theology: Kill Your Passions
This is part four in a series of posts by Dr. David Maxwell. The first was “What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?” The…
Cyril of Alexandria: Lull Your Passions to Sleep
This is part three in a series of posts by Dr. David Maxwell. The first was “What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?” The…
Gregory of Nyssa: Direct the Passions
This is part two of a series of posts from Dr. David Maxwell. The first post was “What Should You Do With Anger and Desire?” …