Short-Film Winners
Editor’s note: This year, sadly, with all of the ambiguities that we continue to experience in the course of this pandemic, we had to cancel…
The Faith and Film Festival short film competition: a reflection
Editor’s note: This year, sadly, with all of the ambiguities that we continue to experience in the course of this pandemic, we had to cancel…
Here’s to Irrelevant Preaching and Teaching
In the United States pragmatism is the very air we breathe. It goes back to our country’s roots with Benjamin Franklin and others. We are…
Preach, Sleep, and Play: A Little Encouragement for Busy Pastors
Here’s the understatement of the New Year: Pastors are busy people! Coming out of the hectic Christmas season, pastors look a bit worn out as…
When Pastor Becomes Professor
Now I understand Lionel Richie. “Easy like Sunday morning.” While serving in the parish, Sunday mornings were busy, and they gave birth to more activity…
“By Kindly Powers”: A Poem for the New Year by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Editor’s Note: At the start of this New Year we are pleased to publish this fresh translation of Bonhoeffer’s poem “Von guten Mächten” by Pastor…
ICYMI: Advent–A New Beginning for Those Seeking God and Community
In this blog post of Forming Lutherans, Dr. Rhoda Schuler, posts a video interview with Rev. Dr. Dien Taylor who explains how one may mark the…
“Why do we teach Greek and Hebrew at the seminary? Don’t we already have good translations of the Bible?” … We don’t teach Greek and…