Concordia Journal
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis’ theological journal explores urgent ideas, themes and issues related to the past, present and future of global Christianity and today’s world from a confessional Lutheran perspective.
Two Branches of One Tree: The Fellowship of Confession and Mission
The following op piece from one of our former professors could have been written yesterday. It was written in 1952. It seems like the either/or…
Augsburg Confession Booklet Download
The Augsburg Confession has throughout my days in ministry been a source of great comfort and occasional rebuke. It has consistently taken my eyes off…
Reconsidering the Greek Preposition “eis” in the Baptismal Theology of Matthew 28 and Romans 6
The importance of one little overlooked word…and how we translate it.
Miroslav Volf on Luther, Memory, and Reconciliation
The prolific Yale theologian spoke at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, as part of the Reformation500 speaker series on April 11, 2016.
Erik Herrmann on making “Martin Luther”
Prof. Herrmann served as a historical consultant for the forthcoming movie “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World.”
Leo Sanchez: Hispanic Is Not What You Think
Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. presents the 11th Annual Lecture in Hispanic/Latino Theology and Missions, with response by Javier Orozco.
Luther’s Hymn Melodies
Concordia Seminary Professor Emeritus James Brauer provides a comprehensive study of how Luther used tunes in Reformation hymnody.
Meet Prof. Mark Seifrid (Part 1)
The first in a series of short interviews of new Concordia Seminary professors.
Luther’s Truths, Then and Now
Robert Kolb delivered the following address at the International Conference on Confessional Leadership in the 21st Century, held in Wittenberg, Germany, May 3-8, 2015.