Homiletical Helps
Current Homiletical Helps articles which appeared in Concordia Journal
Proper 13 • Colossians 3:1–13 • August 4, 2013
By Jeff Gibbs Colossians 3:1–13 divides neatly into two sections. The first (vv. 1–4) calls believers to focus their attention on Christ, in relation both…
Proper 12 • Colossians 2:6–15(16–19) • July 28, 2013
By Joel Biermann True to form, Paul uses the first verse, bluntly to declare his point: you received Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk in…
Proper 11 • Colossians 1:21–29 • July 21, 2013
By Robert Weise Reconciliation: Ministry and Mystery We all love a good mystery; a mystery where we don’t find out until the very end who…
Proper 10 • Colossians 1:1-14 • July 14, 2013
By James W. Voelz Editor’s note: An abbreviated form of this Homiletical Help appeared in the Spring 2013 Concordia Journal. The full commentary written by Dr. Voelz…
Proper 9 • Galatians 6:1–10, 14–18 • July 7, 2013
By Timothy E. Saleska Galatians 6 includes the third part of the exhortation section of the letter (6:1–10) and the concluding postscript (6:11–18). Points of…
Proper 8 • Galatians 5:1, 13–25 • June 30, 2013
By Bruce Hartung Review some of the times in the New Testament that eleutherou is used in addition to Galatians 5. These include John 8:31b–32,…
Proper 7 • Galatians 3:23–4:7 • June 23, 2013
By David Peter Textual Considerations There are many details of this passage which could be developed in the sermon, some of which are quite significant,…
Proper 6 • Galatians 2:15–21; 3:10–14 • June 16, 2013
By Thomas Egger Proposed theme: The sermon focus developed here highlights the language of curse and blessing in Galatians 3. No power of our own,…
Proper 5 • Galatians 1:11–24 • June 9, 2013
By James L. Brauer Paul’s letter to the Galatians makes clear that his authority came from Christ, that the gospel was for Jew and Gentile,…