Christian Denominations and Sects
Going to Make Disciples: An Examination of the Lives and Work of American Lutheran Women in Mission During The Early and Mid Twentieth Century
This document examines the work of American Lutheran women who served in several ELCA predecessor bodies in the early to mid twentieth century, when Lutheran…
Changes within the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America that Led to the Exit of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
The following study presents the stages of the intersynodical debate that led the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod to exit the Ev. Lutheran Synodical Conference during…
I shall not die : Christians & the art of dying.
<p>A workshop held at Concordia Seminary, April 12, 1997.</p> <p>The workshop, intended for both pastors & laypeople, explores scriptural, liturgical, and congregational resources for helping…
I shall not die : Christians & the art of dying.
<p>A workshop held at Concordia Seminary, April 12, 1997.</p> <p>The workshop, intended for both pastors & laypeople, explores scriptural, liturgical, and congregational resources for helping…
I shall not die : Christians & the art of dying.
<p>A workshop held at Concordia Seminary, April 12, 1997.</p> <p>The workshop, intended for both pastors & laypeople, explores scriptural, liturgical, and congregational resources for helping…
I shall not die : Christians & the art of dying.
<p>A workshop held at Concordia Seminary, April 12, 1997.</p><p>The workshop, intended for both pastors & laypeople, explores scriptural, liturgical, and congregational resources for helping each…
The Bursting of Old Wineskins: An Investigation into Luther’s Withdrawal from Augustine and the Scholastics as Evidenced in his Treatment of Opus Operatum and Opus Operantis
In the Heidelberg Theses, we are confronted with the Augustinian Martin Luther who touted Augustine as Paul’s most faithful interpreter. Later, however, we come to…
Integrity and Integration in Ecclesiastical Historiography: The Perspective of Mosheim and Neander
This investigation attempts to apply the motif of integrity and integration in an examination of Lutheran ecclesiastical historiography. This is not a comprehensive survey involving…
Lutheran merger and the LCMS
1983 Lay Leadership courses, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.