Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 3
In this episode we see how the Reformation has influenced our current situation in three ways: first, participation in worship; second, reactions to violence and…
Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 4
Part four of this series treats several issues that the Reformation addressed including individual reading and interpretation of the Bible, the seeds that led eventually…
Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 5
Part five continues the study of changes wrought by the Reformation with three areas: (1) the Bible for the laity and its effect on pastoral…
The Impact of the Reformation Today
This is a video that shows the impact of the Reformation on the world today and the changes it has caused for 500 years.
Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 1
This episode deals with changes to the perception of the individual as a Christian in contrast to the authority of the priesthood. A major element…
Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 2
This episode treats the Reformation goal of spreading the truth of God’s word, by various means and in the most effective manner possible, to the…
Ministering to young Christians
Side A. An audio collage. Side B. The Board of Youth Ministry, LC-MS. (Interviews by David C. Dahline and others, and musical selections).
Ministering to young Christians
Side A. A pastor’s primer of rock / by Donald Hinchey ; with musical selections. Side B. The war between the generations / by Edward…
Involving our youth in ministry
Convocation recorded on January 27, 1988, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Discusses an effective way to involve young adults in the outreach of the church.