History of Christianity
2.a Greeting from Consul-general Wolfgang Drautz
The Counsel-General Wolfgang Drautz brings thanks from the German government for the interest in German culture.
1.e Session One Q & A
The panel answer a questions presented by the audience about neo-paganism, the occult and the new mythologies.
1.c Ancestral Neo-Paganism: From Feuerbach via the Nazis to contemporary Germany
Dr. Hexham traces the assault on Christianity from the 1800’s through Nazism to today and where these ideas are coming from and what they believe.
1.a Welcome to German Days at the Sem II
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto welcome and introduce the presenters of German Days.
Response – Germany’s Future – Luther / Has Luther a Future in Germany?
Dr. Schumacher gives a brief response to Dr. Knuth’s and Dr. Schoene’s presentations.
1.b New Religions and German Politics, especially in the Nazi era
Dr. Poewe presents her argument that Christianity is not responsible for the Holocaust.
Post-Christian, Still Christian, Pre-Christian? – Part 1
Dr. Poener gives his perspective on Christianizes future in Germany and the changes that have taken place.
Post-Christian, Still Christian, Pre-Christian? – Part 2
Dr. Poener gives possible solutions to the problems in his previous address.
The Corporate World: Germany’s Promising Mission Field?
Rev. Christian Tiews reads Michael Stollwerk’s paper on the introduction of Christian values into the German corporate world.