History of Christianity
Germany’s Future – An Islamic Republic?
Rev. Hanser gives an overview of the growth of Islam in Western Europe and the concerns he has for this growth.
Has Luther a Future in Germany?
Dr. Schoene explains the decline of Lutheranism in Germany and looks at its future in Germany.
Response – The Corporate World: Germany’s Promising Mission Field?
Pastor Woods responds to the reading of Pastor Stollwerk’s paper and how things are different in the United States.
Greetings from Consul-general Wolfgang Drautz
Mr. Drautz compares church and state in the United States to how is handled in Germany.
30th Anniversary of the Concordia Seminary Walkout
Several professors and pastors give their insights and opinions of the Seminary Walkout and what we can learn from the event.
The Church in the Ninteenth Century – 1957
Dr. Danker gives a speech on the spread of Christianity around the world in the nineteenth century and mistakes that were made.
The Cranach Factor in the Reformation
Dr. Ozment presents the works and influence of Lucas Cranach on Reformation Art and Martin Luther.
Setting the Stage
Dr. Adams sets the backdrop of the symposium with a brief historical and theological discussion on homosexuality.