History of Christianity
Plenary Summary
Dr. Biermann summarizes the ideas covered in the symposium reminding us that all things will be made whole on the final day of resurrection.
"The Hope of Eternal Life": Round XI of the U.S. Lutheran/Roman Catholic Dialogues
Dr. Nafzger and Dr. Wenthe hold a discussion on the importance of conducting dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans.
Robinson – Response to Maxwell
Dr. Robinson gives an historical response to Dr. Maxwell’s presentation about the Resurrection narrative.
The Resurrection of Christ – Its Importance in the History of the Church
Dr. Maxwell compares the two narratives where one is on the cross and the other is on resurrection.
Robinson – Response to Hagner
Dr. Robinson responds to Dr. Hagner’s presentation on a full bodied Christ.
Kloha – Response to Hagner
Dr. Kloha responds to Dr. Hagner’s presentation on a full bodied Jesus.
Kloha – Response to Maxwell
Dr. Kloha reveals how the early church spoke about the resurrection.
Kloha – Response to Saleska
Dr. Kloha responds to Dr. Saleska’s presentation and moves it forward into the early church and how they understood it as confession of faith.
What is Happening in Denominations in a Post-Denominational Age?
Three speakers present a view of changing denominationalism.