History of Christianity
Lutherans and Justice: A History of Quietism or Activism?
Dr. Galchutt recounts the history of Lutherans and social involvement and the problems it has caused.
Story Time in America: the Narratives that are Told, the Notions that are Held
Dr. Biermann proposes that the church today is struggling with “normal nihilism” and it affects how we tell the story of God to the world.
"Show Them No Mercy" (Deut. 7:16) – A NT Perspective on OT Holy War
Dr. Longman addresses the idea of Holy War in the Old Testament with the phases of “New Testament perspective on Old Testament Holy War”.
Translation and the Problem of Anti-Semitism in the New Testament
Dr. Voelz raises the concern that the Bible is difficult to translate from language to language without losing an understanding of what was trying to…
The Image of the Invisible God: The Role of the son in the Revelation of YHWH
Dr. Gieschen connects the appearance of God in the Old Testament to Jesus, by showing Christ as the messenger and glory of God.
The End of the Story (not the Law): Christ’s Fulfillment of the OT in Matthew
Dr. Gibbs discusses the fulfillment of the Old Testament in Matthew which leads to the New Age in Jesus.
Some Reflections on the Historicity of the Biblical Creation Account
Dr. Adams compares the Biblical creation account to other creation accounts highlighting the differences and how only the Biblical account deals with the relationship between…
Christ in the Old Testament: The Problem of Method(s)
Dr. Adams looks at the problem and method in finding Christ in the Old Testament. He proposes 5 principals to follow in resolving this issue.
Christ and the Nations: On Isaiah’s Gentile Oracles
Dr. Raabe points out Christ in Isaiah chapters 13-23 and encourages us to see Christ as Isreal reduced to one.