History of Christianity
When did Melanchthon become a Philippist on the Lord’s Supper?
Recorded on January 20, 1988, Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne.
The patristic heresiologists — passe’?
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Discusses whether the patristic fathers are still necessary…
Discussion at the Symposium on Gnosticism
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Includes questions, answers and discussion of previous lectures…
The intention of Colossians
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Discusses the purpose and structure of the book…
Docetic Christology and gnosticism
Convocation, January 7, 1987, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Includes an examination of the roots and types of docetism. Discusses the relationship between docetists and gnostics…
Disorderliness and gnosticism
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Includes what the church fathers say about disorderliness…
Gnosticism, Ignatius of Antioch and eastern Christian incarnational theology
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Includes background of St. Ignatius’ life and work.…
Reading between the lines : meaning and the gnostic myth.
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight’s Room, Pius XII Library. Includes discussion of what gnosticism is according to…
An evening with Martin Luther and Katie
Presented by Hannibal Frederich at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, October 27, 1978.