History of Christianity
Luther during and after the Reformation
pt.2. Lecture delivered to student convocation, March 5, 1980.
Luther and scholasticism
Convocation, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1985. Lecture on Luther’s lifelong opposition to scholasticism and his warnings against the clever uses which distort the…
Hannibal Frederich portrays Martin Luther
Performed on April 21, 1978.
Luther and the Jews
Address presented at a graduate convocation, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, March 30, 1973.
Work and Sex
Host Sandy Miller introduces the impact of the Reformation today on the subjects of work and home life in the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis video…
Host Sandy Miller introduces the impact of the Reformation today on the subject of spirituality in the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis video series “500: The…
Host Sandy Miller introduces the impact of the Reformation today in the area of technology in the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis video series “500: The…
The Impact of the Reformation Today
Host Sandy Miller introduces the impact of the Reformation today in the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis video series “500: The Impact of the Reformation Today.”
Usury and Commerce
Today’s commerce and the use of credit with interest can be traced to the Reformation when the issue of usury was much debated. This video…