Missions and World Christianity
Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship
The book should be read not so much as the progressive elaboration of a logical argument but more as a kaleidoscope where each chapter sheds…
Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation
The primary reason is that we view “reconciliation” as a new paradigm of mission. Related to this is a second reason, namely, that some of…
A Learning Missional Church Reflections from Young Missiologists
"This book is compiled by contributions from young missiologists from different parts of the world. It is written from the persepective of youth to be…
Life-Widening Mission Global Perspectives from the Anglican Communion
A vision for holistic mission emerges clearly from each of the contributions. Shalom as a vision for wholeness of life emerges in different ways in…
Mission and Postmodernities
This volume is simply given the title Mission and Postmodernities, and its content is divided into four main parts: a dialogical introduction; elaborations on the…
Evangelical and Frontier Mission Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel
As we reflect on the past century, then, the stories of the evangelical world church deserve to be heard. In this volume, we do not…
Interfaith Relations after One Hundred Years: Christian Mission among Other Faiths
These papers looks historically at factors in Europe that affected Christian interaction with Muslims, Hindus and other religions.
The Church Going Glocal Mission and Globalisation
This phenomenon, which, as this book will show, is not unique for our time, is nevertheless more widespread, more pervasive and more rapidly changing the…
Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic World Christian Mission among Other Faiths
"The relationship of Christian faith and mission to other living faiths is a core issue in contemporary mission. In a world where plurality of faiths…