Practical Theology
Basis and purpose of worship
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary, January 8, 2003. Dr. Stanley J. Grenz describes the basis and purpose of worship as well as Trinitarian theology, its…
Intergenerational ministry
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary, October 17, 2001. Rev. & Mrs. Buhrke present the idea of bringing generations together to care for one another instead…
Pastoral ministry in rural/small town America
Dr. Geisler discusses the blessings and challenges a pastor has as he ministers in a rural setting.
How trials and troubles shape pastors
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary, January 9, 2002.
Syncretism, unionism & civic events
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary, February 6, 2002. Panel members; Drs. Johnson, Gibbs, Feuerhahn and Warneck, discuss such questions as: What is syncretism?; What constitutes…
The Dead Sea scrolls
Recorded in Wyneken Hall, October 4, 2000. The apostle Paul knew what he was talking about when he spoke of the works of the Law.
Conflict in the church
Recorded at Concordia Seminary, October 18, 2000. Rev. Werth talks about conflict in the church and presents ideas about resolving existing conflicts and preventing future…
The efficacy of the Lord’s Supper without the words of institution
Recorded in Wyneken Hall, December 6, 2000. A panel of Seminary professors lead a discussion of omission of the words of institution during communion distribution,…
Philippians a letter for our times
Recorded in Wyneken Hall, April 4, 2001. District President Michael relates how Philippians has much to encourage us for the undertaking of the Lord’s mission…