Practical Theology
Dr. Overduin speaks to students on abortion
Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, October 24, 1978.
Open forum on the charismatic movement, February 11, 1976.
Open forum on the charismatic movement, February 11, 1976.
Open forum on the charismatic movement, February 11, 1976.
Open forum on the charismatic movement, February 11, 1976.
Colloquium with Covenant Seminary
Lecture by Robert Raymond of Covenant Seminary on covenant theology, and lecture by Horace Hummel of Concordia Seminary on law and gospel in the area…
The ministry as I see it — its challenges and rewards
Pastors in residence. Convocation at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
The credibility gap in theology
The credibility gap in theology
Concepts of time in the Old Testament
Address given at graduate student convocation, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, October 9, 1973.
Ventures in cooperative theological education, panel discussion
Panel discussion, moderated by William Weiblen, at the meeting of the Conference of Lutheran Porfessors of Theology, September 19-20, 1969, at Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa.
Laubach literacy program
Convocation held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 29, 1975 with an introduction by Dr. Martin J. Schmidt.