Practical Theology
New methods in systematic theology
Lecture given at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, during Week of Impact in Systematic Theology.
Reconciliation as the organization of conflict
Lecture on current trends in youth ministry and interpersonal relations, January 31, 1969.
What is the proper context of Isaiah 52:13-15?
Lecture delivered at Graduate Exegetical Colloquium, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 13, 1972.
Institute on the ministry, January 15-18, 1976
The church’s role in today’s world — missions / Roy Suelflow.– Sermon at Matins, January 17, 1976 / Ewald J. Otto.
Institute on the ministry, January 15-18, 1976
The goal of theological education / Ralph Bohlmann.– Theological education as a profession / Horace Hummel.– The church’s role in today’s world — parish /…
Ministry in an unchurched society
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis, Mo.) on March 17, 1999. Rev. Bergen discussed the reality of today’s world, those who are seekers and…
Ministering to people with disabilities
Convocation recorded at Concordia Seminary, April 2, 2003. David Morstad and Earl H. Bleke discuss ministry to people with mental retardation.
Continuing challenges of black ministry
Convocation held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, October 7, 1981.
The ins and outs, who and what of urban ministry
Convocation held January 22, 1986, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Describes the challenges of urban ministry as a ministry of change. Special reference is made to…