Practical Theology
The pastor as counselor
Fourteenth annual Institute on Theology in Practice Today, held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, June 2-3, 1975.
The pastor as scholar
Fourteenth annual Institute on Theology in Practice Today, held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, June 2-3, 1975.
Ministry and/or ministries?
Paper presented at the 4th Institute on Theology in Practice Today, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, June 9, 1965.
The pastor as administrator
Fourteenth annual Institute on Theology in Practice Today, held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, June 2-3, 1975.
The "New quest" and its meaning start and end missing
Paper presented at the 4th Institute on Theology in Practice Today, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, June 9, 1965.
Law and Gospel according to Luther.
Recorded on September 24, 1988 at the Law and Gospel Retreat, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Law and Gospel according to Chemnitz.
Recorded on September 24, 1988 at the Law and Gospel Retreat, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
What is worship and liturgy?
Recorded June 17, 1986 at Summer Workshop on Music, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Music and the arts in worship
Recorded June 17, 1986 at the Summer Workshop on Music, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.